Movies by Megumi Yoshida

Evaroid Seria

Evaroid Seria

In the near future where highly developed androids brought big social changes... Anti-android organization rebel against androids and people who support robots. A journalist stands up against the organization with the android Seria whose mission is to protect him. The two fall in love eventually. The journalist is trapped and attacked by robot dog. To protect him, Seria fights the robot and is defeated. Seria is ordered to be destroyed and replaced by her master organization but she fights until with all she got to protect him. What drives ...

Sailor Moon - Birth! Princess of Darkness Black Lady (Revision) - The Secret of the Planet Nemesis

Sailor Moon - Birth! Princess of Darkness Black Lady (Revision) - The Secret of the Planet Nemesis

Princess of Darkness Black Lady (Revision) was the revision to the previous Black Lady musical, featuring some plot and character changes from the original.

Sailor Moon - Last Dracul Final Chapter - The Seal of the Super Planet Death Vulcan

Sailor Moon - Last Dracul Final Chapter - The Seal of the Super Planet Death Vulcan

Last Dracul Final Chapter (Last Dracul Saishuu Shou) was the final chapter of the Dracul Arc. It also included the Super Revue Musical Show.