Movies by Lorna Lesley

The Survivor
When a 747 crashes shortly after take-off, the sole survivor is the pilot. Virtually unhurt, he and the investigators look for the answers to the disaster. Meanwhile mysterious deaths occur in the community and only a psychic, in touch with the supernatural, can help the pilot unravel the mystery surrounding the doomed plane.

Little Boy Lost
The True story of Stephen Walls, a young Australian farm boy, whose disappearance galvanized a continent into action. Taught to be wary of strangers, the boy cannot know that the boisterous hordes of volunteers are his saviors and not his enemies. After four tense days, hopes wanes. At last, a group of searchers spot the young Stephen, and its members are able to convice him that they want to help him reach home and family. - Written by

Over the five days after a military coup, army troops arrive to enforce martial law and encounter a growing resistance movement.

Benny Hill Down Under
A one-off special starring Benny Hill, filmed entirely in Australia. Includes a sketch about "Benny Kelly," son of infamous Australian outlaw Ned Kelly; "Hold Back the Wind" (a Tennessee Williams parody); "Archie's Angels" (a spoof of Charlie's Angels); and "Lady Godiva." Also: a vagabond dreams of moving up to the high life; an interview with Chow Mein; a dance routine set to the themes from The Avengers, M*A*S*H and Hawaii Five-O; and closing hijinks around the beach.

Touch the Sun: Princess Kate
Kate McLelland's life is a normal one of a girl her age in the eastern suburbs, until her discovery that she is adopted. This is the story of her search for her natural mother and the resulting relationship.