Movies by Alex Robinson

A college student named Jean finds herself mysteriously engulfed within cyberspace, with no explanation of how to navigate its terrifying potential.

Soaked to the skin, Costantino sinks into the haystack like old timber left on the shore by a stormy sea. Torrential rain has just put out the fire that in a single night ravaged Assandira, a farmstay deep in the woods of Sardinia. But the rain hasn't quenched the pain, the endless remorse for the son lost to the flames, the son he was unable to save. The first to arrive are the carabinieri and the young investigating magistrate: Costantino tries to tell them what happened the previous night, to explain how it all began.

Mustafar Takes Los Angeles
19 years ago visionary George Lucas stunned the world with the long-awaited tragic conclusion of his Star Wars prequel trilogy! From the higher ground to another happy landing, Episode III tied up the saga in a neat bow and we’re here to celebrate! Star Wars Minute and The George Lucas Talk Show are proud to present on November 16, 2024, at Dynasty Typewriter their LIVE reading of the original screenplay to The Revenge of the Sith, with a radical cast including some of the galaxy’s hottest stars (…and maybe some surprises?!) The infamous CLO...

The Kashyyyk Life Day Carol
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away MALLA THE WOOKIEE is worried her husband, CHEWBACCA, won’t make it home in time for LIFE DAY! Cooking, classic rock and EROTIC VR can’t distract her, her son LUMPY and father-in-law ITCHY! Will Han and Chewie make it in time? Is this really the first appearance of Boba Fett? Can Princess Leia carry a tune?