Movies by Evandro Soldatelli

In 1961, father and son travel to Porto Alegre. Their severance leads both to unknown realities.

Luna 13
A few days after his grandfather's death, young Igor decides to make a documentary about the history of his family in an attempt to understand why his grandfather, Guilhermino, was obsessed with strange facts that had happened in his city. Thus, in 1990, in the interior of the state Rio Grande do Sul, Igor and his father Nilson interview relatives, friends and people involved in the case in an attempt to undo the bad name of his grandfather, but what they find out is a part of the story of the state, unraveling mysteries related to extraterr...
The Staple of News
Written in 1625 by the British playwright Ben Jonson, the play “The Staple of News” provides a historic root for this discussion about the role of the press in modern day Brazil. Journalists of several generations discuss the dilemmas of the selection and focus of their subjects, the resistance of the media in accepting itself as a political agent, the inevitability of interpretation as there are no hard facts in nature, and above all the search for an always complex balance between credibility and the public’s growing demand for news.