Movies by Peter Debnár
Zázračná ihla
Eugen Onegin

Sweet Games of Late Summer
Impressionistic film based on a Maupassant story about five friends who fall in love with the same beautiful girl one summer.
Anglická blcha v cárskom Rusku
O smelom krajčírikovi
Listy Juliane
Príbeh potulného scholasta
Román o base
Vymenená princezná
Delenie majetku
Piková dáma
Apollón z Bellacu
Platiť sa nebude!
Story of an extraordinary musician, violinist, who was famous, but his alcoholism led him to poverty. Now he is playing time from time to rich people. Then Albert meets count Delesov, who tries to change Albert's life. Two different characters, two ways of life confront... Will Albert change? Should he?
Koncert pre električku