Movies by Diana Schmitt
Best Friends Genetically Modified
Jackson's unhealthy eating habits lead to persistent nagging by his lady friend, which triggers Jackson to break off the relationship. Tony picks up the health baton and starts pressuring Jackson to take care of his body, emphasizing to him that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that he cannot serve God with all his heart if his heart and other organs are laboring to fight off self induced toxin poisoning. Jackson takes sides in the ongoing battle for the right of people to choose their own medical treatment. He partners up with ...

The Borrowed Christmas
John Dale has everything. Money, notoriety, the biggest house in town. But what he really wants is a good, old-fashioned Christmas. With no family in town, John turns to the local "Rent-All" store and owner Anne Weston. Anne's store is struggling, and in an attempt to save the shop, she takes on this unusual order from this unusual man. She goes about trying to fill the order, but ends up filling a need much greater.