Movies by Marie Tomášová

The Witches of the Suburbs
Two little girls get ahold of magic and hijinks ensue.

Anna the Proletarian
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.

První parta

Zelené obzory

A Leap In The Dark
Spring 1943: A three-member group of resistance fighters flies from a Soviet military airport into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to establish contacts with an illegal communist center in the occupied territory.

Smrt na Cukrovém ostrově

Morálka paní Dulské

Váhavý střelec
První láska

Policejní hodina
Jejich den

Taková láska
A student commits suicide out of unhappy love to a married man; story is recounted in retrospective by a "judge" who asks the audience to decide who is the guilty party.

Strakonický dudák
Number 93 will not return
A color puppet film based on the famous ballad of K. J. Erben "Aquarius".