Movies by Mike Sage

VeggieTales: Where's God When I'm S-Scared?
Whether it's a giant Frankencelery from a scary movie or a hungry den of lions from Ancient Babylon, Junior Asparagus learns we can trust God with all of our fears and that He really is "bigger than the boogey-man!"

VeggieTales: The Ballad of Little Joe
Join Little Joe and his rootin' tootin' French pea brothers on an adventure that will take them from an abandoned mineshaft all the way to Dodge Ball City--with Little Joe's faith being tested every step of the way! It's a Wild West yarn that teaches us to keep the faith when facing hardship because, in the end, god can work all things out for good. Yee-haw!

VeggieTales: Are You My Neighbor?
Two stories, told by the VeggieTales gang, talk about why it's important to love your neighbor. "The Story of Flibber-O-Loo": The inhabitants of the towns Flibber-O-Loo and Jibberty-Lot, who are constantly fighting, attempt to make peace with each other. "The Gourds Must Be Crazy": The USS Applepies is in the path of a giant meteor! Scooter and Junior Asparagus frantically work to fix the ship's engines, but will they rely on oddball crewmembers Jimmy and Jerry Gourd to help them?

VeggieTales: The End of Silliness?
Archibald Asparagus has cancelled 'Silly Songs with Larry'! A despondent Larry the Cucumber drowns his sorrows at Jimmy Gourd's ice cream parlor. Will Archibald give Larry his job back? How much ice cream can Larry eat before getting a headache? Is this the end of...Silly Songs with Larry?

VeggieTales: The Star of Christmas
It's 1880's London, and Cavis Appythart and Millward Phelps (Bob and Larry) are putting the finishing touches on their first Christmas musical, "The Princess and the Plumber." Filled with spectacle and more electric lights than London has ever seen, Cavis is convinced his impressive show will "teach London to love!" Unfortunately, a church Christmas pageant staged by Little Edmund Gilbert (Junior Asparagus) is opening the same night, right down the street, and features the "Star of Christmas"– A priceless artifact that hasn't been seen in 80...

VeggieTales: Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed
Any rumors caught your ear lately? Junior Asparagus and Laura Carrot learn just how easily rumors get started when they accidently launch a whopper about LarryBoy's butler, Alfred! Before they know it, their little story is spreading all over Bumblyburg like a weed! Can LarryBoy stop the rumor before Alfred gets hurt? Can anyone stop the rumor before LarryBoy gets hurt?!? In the end, the kids learn that God doesn't want us to tell stories that can hurt. He wants us to spread nice words! Don't miss the action in LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed!

VeggieTales: Very Silly Songs
In every VeggieTales video, Larry the Cucumber sings one of his special "Silly Songs with Larry". This video contains many of the most popular Silly Songs, hosted by The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (who debut a Silly Song of their own).

VeggieTales: Madame Blueberry
Let your kids spend a little time with Madame Blueberry and the rest of the Veggies and they'll learn that "being greedy makes you grumpy -- but a thankful heart is a happy heart!