Movies by Oľga Zöllnerová
O ametystovom kvete
Odsúdenie Paganiniho
Cudzím vstup zakázaný
Tichá kaviareň
Šesť postáv hľadá autora
Dravý prúd
Vojvodkyňa z Amalfi
Volanie démonov
Muž, ktorý klope

The Last Witch
This dramatic story is situated in the town of Trnava of the 18th century. Painter Peter paints an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of St. Juliet and his model is a young girl. This is much disliked by the clergy who unjustly accuse the girl of witchcraft. She is saved from being burnt at a stake by the students of the Trnava University.
Chlapec a husle
Pomsta starej dámy alebo Na každého raz dôjde
Apollón z Bellacu
Tri dominá
Ako klamal jej mužovi
Vzkriesenie Míny