Movies by John Danaher
Back Attacks Enter The System by John Danaher
Learn The Best Back Attack System In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Today John Danaher is the most sought after instructor in the world today. Learn the same secrets that world class athletes like Gordon Ryan, George St. Pierre, and the rest of DDS use to choke everyone. Learn the system that has the highest finishing rate in EBI overtime history. Transform your back attack system by discovering the secrets that have changed the Jiu Jitsu game. This is an easy to learn system broken down into a curriculum for all levels and there is over 8.5 hours of...

New Wave Jiu Jitsu: A New Philosophy Of Positional Escapes
Revolutionize The Way You Escape From Bad Position And Immediately Launch Devastating Submission Attacks With Professor John Danaher’s New Wave Jiu-Jitsu System Turn escapes immediately into dangerous positions of attack with this counter attack and escape series from Professor John Danaher Merge position and submission with New Wave Jiu-Jitsu. as Professor Danaher explains how to combine both into the most effective systems possible Take advantage of the escape and find opportunistic submission holds that John’s students have been excell...

Self Mastery: Solo BJJ Training Drills
Pick up Professor John Danaher’s solo drills for BJJ success for FREE! BJJ Fanatics & Professor John Danaher are teaming up to give everyone a way to train. This new 4-volume series is a gift for everyone who can only train at home because of the pandemic. Hear the same advice John Danaher gives his world class fighters (like Gordon Ryan & Garry Tonon) on how to keep improving when you can’t get on the mat. Learn the right ways to do these basic BJJ movements and how to craft the perfect home BJJ workout. This series is 4-volumes of FREE...

Feet To Floor: Volume 1
Study how every BJJ student should be fighting on the feet, with this innovative system for transitioning feet to floor with Professor John Danaher. Learn what John’s new philosophy on pulling guard is, and how any student can use this for real results. Use a unique BJJ-based approach to get the fight to the floor, instead of just copying wrestling or judo, and unlock techniques and combinations you’ve never seen before. Move directly into positions you can attack from immediately, with Professor Danaher’s new methodology for training fro...