Movies by Trond Fausa Aurvåg

Twigson in Trouble
I den tredje filmen om Knerten har Lillebror og familien hans flyttet. Knerten har fått en sønn, Lille-Knerten, og lykken er stor. Men mor og far er bekymret for Lillebror. De har bodd i Bessby i et par måneder, men han har fremdeles ikke fått seg noen nye venner. Lillebror bryr seg ikke. Han liker ikke de andre guttene i gata uansett, og dessuten har han jo Knerten. De to gjør en avtale om ikke å ha noen andre venner. For alltid. Men en dag forsvinner Knerten sporløst…

The Brothers Gruff Go to Splash World
When The Billy Goats Gruff go on a chaotic adventure to Splash World instead of the dull meadow, the irate troll under the bridge has other ideas and sets out to capture the brothers at any cost.

Benjamin Falck & the Ghost Dagger
A failed treasure hunter tricks his girlfriend into going on a vacation to Mallorca, hoping to both fix the relationship and find the legendary Ghost Dagger, with deadly consequences.

I Am Yours
An unhappy single mother in Norway's Pakistani expatriate community begins to ignore her young son in favor of placating a Swedish filmmaker she thinks could change her life for the better.

The Middle Man
Frank Farrelli takes on the job as a middle man in the God-forsaken town of Karmack, USA, a community in a depression so deep that they need a middle man to professionally communicate more of the bad news.
The Wrong Track
When chaotic single mother Emilie hits a new low, she looks to her brother for help. He has a brilliant plan: to enter a cross-country ski marathon.
Forlat oss vår skyld
Three young Italian Black Metal fans traveling in Norway end up on a twisted Christian youth camp.