Movies by Emmet Cahill

Celtic Thunder: Mythology
Celtic Thunder have chosen to return to their roots in order to film this musical odyssey back to the heart of the Celt. The core theme of Mythology is found in the opening number "Voices call from the old days, Voices tell from the past, Ancient laws and ancient old ways to recast." It's the story of the Celts in Ireland, their legends, their history and their stories. It's the lifeblood of modern day Ireland and it's influences from our Celtic past, which are still carried in each one of us as part of who we are and where we come from.

Celtic Thunder: Voyage II
VOYAGE II is the second half of the concert and continues to pay homage to the musical culture of Ireland, while exploring the musical journey each soloist has undertaken since the beginning of Celtic Thunder four years ago. This time the ensemble including Keith Harkin, Ryan Kelly, Neil Byrne, George Donaldson and Emmet Cahill welcome 13-year-old Daniel Furlong to the fold as a guest artist on this recording. The group performances highlight the diversity of Irish music and song.