Movies by Oleksiy Horbunov

The Fight Rules

The Fight Rules

Film tells an exciting story of a confrontation between talented boxer and criminal patrons of mixed fights MMA.

The Forgotten

The Forgotten

Nina, 30, a Ukrainian language teacher who can't leave the city of Luhansk, occupied by separatists in Eastern Ukraine, is forced to undergo retraining courses for teaching Russian. Andrii, 17, is a student who was orphaned in the aftermath of the war. They cross paths when Nina witnesses Andrii being arrested by the police after hanging the Ukrainian flag from the roof of his school. Nina knows that because they live in a world of injustice and lies Andrii can stay in jail for a long time, and she risks her life to free him. As they gravita...



The film tells about the tragic date in the history of the Crimean Tatar people — May 18, 1944 — Stalin’s deportation of the Crimean Tatars. The plot of the film — a pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Amethan Sultan. In May, 1944, a year after liberation of Sevastopol Amethan goes on vacation to his native town Alupka. On May 18 his eyes witness begining of deportation of the Crimean Tatars.

The Wild Fields

The Wild Fields

The protagonist, Herman has to come back to his native Donbas after years spent away. He has to look into the case of his brother’s sudden disappearance. Herman meets real and unreal characters, his childhood friends and the local mafia. And suddenly, to his own surprise, he decides to stay in his native town with people who love and believe him and need his defense.



A comedy about how two unlucky heroes, one of whom dreamed of becoming a pilot, and the other an actor, accidentally get a chance to fulfill both dreams at once on the set of a new film. However, in the very first scene, they manage to crash a sponsor’s helicopter, which promises them a lot of problems. To compensate for the damage, the friends are forced to go into all seriousness - try to rob the oligarch, make money in kind, and even try to hijack a helicopter from an American air base.



An FSB officer falls in love with his agent, an American woman who works as a trader in a Russian bank.

A Parcel For Margaret Thatcher

A Parcel For Margaret Thatcher

The film was created in the genre of an anecdote, where it is about a grandfather from a Ukrainian village who painted wooden eggs and decided to send them to the "iron lady". At the post office workers told him: "You can't!". But the grandfather showed character, did not give up on the plan, and, overcoming many obstacles, still sent the parcel.



The film about the Holodomor famine in Ukraine, based on the novel 'The Yellow Prince' by Vasyl Barka. The film is told through the lives of the Katrannyk family of six. It relies more on images than on words shot in black-and-white.



When Ruslana floods her Munich flat, Vladan, a former Boxer from Serbia, comes to her rescue. It is the night when Ruslana's son Bogdan should finally come from Kiev. He rather falls in love with the spoiled pop-starlet Maria, for whom he is working. Both, however, are depending on Maria's rich patron Jora. The same night in Belgrade Vladan's son Zoran meets Jelena. But she intends to leave her homeland the next day, forever. Three cities. Three Love-Stories. One night in Europe.

The Spy

The Spy

1916: on the verge of being evicted from his apartment, unable to find a job, with a desperate wife and a sick child, a man wrestles with his conscience about whether to turn police informer for money.

The Stone Soul

The Stone Soul

The events take place in the XIX century, in the Carpathian mountains. It is the screen adaptation of the novel by Hnat Khotkevych based on the legend of brave leaders who fought against the Austrian Habsburgs and the Polish magnates for the happiness and freedom of its people. And also it is a romantic story about a fatal overwhelming love.



A story about the soldiers of Soviet punishment battalion during WWII. Month of service in a punishment battalion was equated to ten years in prison...





After the premiere, the theatre group gathers in a bar to celebrate. However, the cheerful gathering is interrupted by a drunken Soviet officer. He insists on selling a can of petrol. However, when he senses the awkwardness, the hidden hatred, the cowardice, the timidity of the people there, he begins to enjoy the situation with his intrusiveness. When he takes his pistol out of its holster, things start to get crazy. The people in the bar suddenly become “freedom fighters” against the Russian occupation.

We Will Die Together

We Will Die Together

The film built a classic love square: two pairs of MSU students are living vicissitudes. Everyone has their own destiny. It all depends on the choice of path. Some neglect the principles and norms, sweeping away the barriers of morality. Others remain true to their love and duty. The ending of the film is completely unpredictable…