Movies by Andrea Elsnerová

Co chytneš v žitě

Co chytneš v žitě

This bittersweet film was Roman Vávra's feature debut. The film consists of three independent stories, all connected through the motif of a field of grain. In 'Awn' a young couple takes a summer stroll in the country, in 'The Haystack' a gang of boys have an adventure with an older girl, and 'The Journey' recounts the tragicomic homecoming of a pair of aging newlyweds. For only the second time in the nineties Czech star Iva Janzurová appeared on the silver screen.

Boháč a chudák

Boháč a chudák

Erben's original text, which did not exceed half a page in length, served Zelenka only as a source of inspiration to write a plot-rich story about two brothers, one of whom lives in luxury because Luck helped him to wealth, and the other lives in absolute poverty because he loves him Poverty, and she, out of love for him, doesn't want to allow him to get rich and let his life be complicated by worrying about possessions. However, not only the struggle with poverty and the arrogance that comes from owning a large property are the main motives...

Kulihrášek a zakletá princezna

Kulihrášek a zakletá princezna

Není houba jako houba

Není houba jako houba

Cesta do pekla a zpátky

Cesta do pekla a zpátky