Movies by Ken-ichi Suzuki

NINGEN ISU Mishiranu Sekai (見知らぬ世界; The World Unknown)
Performance of Ningen Isu held at the end of 2000 at the village hall of Inakadate-mura, Minamitsugaru-gun, Aomori Prefecture.

NINGEN ISU Yuigon-jou Housou (遺言状放送; Testament Broadcasting)
Concert. Also includes music videos for Ringo no Namida (りんごの泪; Apple's Tears) and Yashaga-ike (夜叉ヶ池; Pond of Yaksha).

NINGEN ISU Pain and Joy is a Dream "This World is a Dream - Band Life 25th Anniversary -" in Shibuya Public Hall
Pain and Joy is a Dream "This World is a Dream - Band Life 25th Anniversary -" in Shibuya Public Hall

Nirvana Kagura (Japanese Steel Music Activity Picture Book Collection)
Show featuring the Japanese bands 五人一首 (Gonin-Ish), 陰陽座 (Onmyo-za), 人間椅子 (Ningen Isu), and Gargoyle. Filmed on June 16th, 2001 at Shibuya On-Air West.