Movies by Evan Brown



Rye, a photographer, and Chris, a political science student, are in their final year of college, and have lived together in the same house for three years. While their bond has grown increasingly stale since first moving in together, they’re tethered by a common history and lingering grief; they know the house and its traumas in ways none of its few rotating tenants ever can. Set in the politically charged recent past at Hampshire College - an alternative school without grades or majors - the film's protagonists struggle with the demands of...

Devil in Disguise

Devil in Disguise

A young girl uses a night out with her best friend as an escape from her family life.

The Quarterback Next Door

The Quarterback Next Door

Forever invisible Skylar Heron hasn't started her senior year so hot. First, she's embarrassed in front of the whole school when trying to ask out her crush Jamie Donner, her childhood best friend and next-door neighbor. Then, she gets paired up with him to work on a class project together. And, finally, to top it all off, she's forced to live with him when his house burns down and he moves into her room. But now, Jamie's crazy ex-girlfriend is out to make their lives hell. The only thing that can save both their years is... to turn the clas...