Movies by Miroslav Zounar

Čas lásky a naděje
O hruškách ušatkách a jablíčku parohátku
Výjimečná situace
Poslední vlak

Tichý Američan v Praze

Váhavý střelec

Vítězný lid

Dvacátý devátý
Zločin v chalupě
Partyzánská stezka
Czechoslovak army film that tells the story of a medic at a rural military hospital whose weekend leave is canceled when his supervisor is called away.

The Death of a Talented Cobbler
Hodina života

The House of Lost Souls
An escaped inmate of a mental home, Franz Moose, has been found shot dead in the forest. In the course of their investigation, District Commander Havel (Jirí Adamíra) and Lieutenant Mares (Miroslav Zounar) slowly work their way through the complicated case. Havel learns from the employees' testimonies that Moose was facing trial for war crimes before he was finally sent to the hospital. There he shared his room with Kozdera, spent his time painting, and made several attempts to escape. Havel wants to interrogate Kozdera but the unfortunate p...

Don't Call Me Major
A group of children is trying to solve a mystery related to the diamonds smuggling.