Movies by Barbara Woodell

The Homesteaders
Homesteaders Mace Corbin and Clyde Moss pick up much needed dynamite and begin a journey to transport it from an army fort to their homes, hiring a crew of ex-soldiers just released from the army prison. Mace knows he's got his work cut out for him with unstable dynamite, undisciplined hired hands and possible hostile Indians but he doesn't have the slightest hint that his trusted friend Clyde has betrayed him.

The Great Jesse James Raid
The famed outlaw is talked into saddling up for one more bank robbery.

Canyon Raiders
Whip Wilson only gets to crack his trademark weapon once in this economic Western filmed in toto at the Iverson Movie Ranch in Chatsworth, CA. A government agent, Wilson arrives in the near ghost town of Tunis, where his friend is in trouble with a couple of horse thieves. The latter are also terrorizing a homesteader, Texas Milburn, and his wife, Ruth, and when the female sheriff Alice Long interferes, she finds herself taken hostage.
Leave It to the Irish
A private eye (James Dunn) investigates the murder of a fur dealer. Monogram.

A young Japanese-American orphan in California is taken in by a priest who is actually a Japanese secret agent and a samurai warrior. Due to the samurai's training, the boy murders his English teacher, kills the American parents who have adopted him, smuggles Japanese secret plans into the country, and eventually becomes the governor of California with plans to infiltrate Japanese spies into the state so they can take over.
Doctor Jim
Dr. Jim Gateson, a country doctor who has counselled and ministered to his community for 30 years, is being honored with a surprise testimonial dinner. The scenario then flashes back through three decades, commencing with the young GP first hanging up his shingle, serving at the front during WWI, home life being disrupted by telephone calls from those in need, and competition from a new medic in town who doesn't make country calls.

And Then There Were Four
Driving safety film sponsored as a public service by oil companies. Of five drivers who leave home in the morning, only four return, and we wait to learn who the victim is. The film gives considerable discussion to careless driving habits and depicts Angelenos from different walks of life as well as their homes, neighborhoods, streets, and freeways.

Stagecoach Driver
Jim Bannon and his partner own a stagecoach line. With the coming of the telegraph and the end of the Pony Express, two men plot to take over and get the new mail contract. When Jim's partner is murdered and Jim's name is written in the sand beside the body, Jim is arrested. At his trial Whip brings surprising evidence that clears Jim and the two plotters are soon arrested.

Oklahoma Justice
Johnny Mack Brown goes up against a lady bank robber in this average Mack Brown series late-entry from Monogram. The lady, played by Barbara Allen, is of course called "Ma." In order to get the goods on "Ma" and her "brood," Mack Brown must masquerade as a lone bandit.

Dead Man's Trail
Johnny Mack Brown was nearing the end of his starring career when he appeared in the Monogram oater Dead Man's Trail. Brown and his youthful sidekick Jimmy Ellison come to the aid of imperiled Barbara Allen. At this point, Johnny was too long in tooth and thick around the middle to qualify as a romantic lead, hence the presence of Ellison.