Movies by Leon Boden

Die vier Gerechten
Lord Paddington, an honorable member of society, is blown up with a small tennis ball. "Die vier Gerechten" are not of this opinion, however: "Sentenced to death and executed for countless crimes" they leave at the scene. More honorable personalities must die before the perfume Higgins betrays the murderer and exposes the honorable personalities as heads of the organized trafficking of girls.

The Barbary Corsairs
In the 18th century, the Barbary threat became serious. In July 1785, two American boats were returned to Algiers; In the winter of 1793, eleven American ships, their crews in chains, were in the hands of the dey of Algiers. To ensure the freedom of movement of its commercial fleet, the United States was obliged to conclude treaties with the main Barbary states, paying considerable sums of money as a guarantee of non-aggression. With Morocco, treaty of 1786, 30,000 dollars; Tripoli, November 4, 1796, $56,000; Tunis, August 1797, 107,000 doll...

Gnadenlos - Zur Prostitution gezwungen
A Czech woman is kidnapped in Berlin and forced into prostitution. The man behind the kidnapping is a respected businessman. He is on the wanted list, but so far nothing has been proven against him. This changes when a young female detective becomes involved in the investigation.

Cervin 1865, une première tragique
The first ascent of the Matterhorn was made on July 14, 1865 by Edward Whymper, Francis Douglas, Charles Hudson, Douglas Hadow, Michel Croz and two guides from Zermatt, Peter Taugwalder father and son. Douglas, Hudson, Hadow and Croz are killed on the descent after Hadow slips and drags the other three men down the north face. Whymper and the two Taugwalders, who survive, are later accused of having cut the rope that connected them to the rest of the group so as not to be dragged into the fall, but the ensuing investigation finds no evidence...

Die Westentaschenvenus
Thé beautiful bookseller Sophie wants to realize her lifelong dream and set up a reading café in the old shed next to the house inherited from her aunt. But the house still causes problems, a plumber must come here. And it seems like this Phillip White could also do other things than broken water pipes. For example, the chaos in Sophie's emotional balance. Jeanette Hain and Jochen Horst play the leading roles in this unusually atmospheric relationship comedy by up-and-coming director Kirsten Peters.
Es muss Liebe sein

Erkan & Stefan 2
A couple of slackers find an antique dagger and manage to free the gorgeous female warrior that was imprisoned in it by an evil spell. An evil sorcerer is not happy by this turn of events and determines to possess both the blade and the warrior through a sacrificial ceremony. The two heroes manage to rescue the damsel in distress and defeat the wizard and his minions by employing skills mastered through hours of video game play.