Movies by Eric Lax

Hold Your Breath and Cross Your Fingers: The Story of 'Dark Passage'
Bogart was interested in this project because it offered a chance to work with his new bride. The studio wasn't convinced, but the result speaks for itself.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: Playing Cat and Mouse
The Making of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with Donald Spoto and Drew Casper.
Sweet Bird of Youth: Chasing Time
The making of the film with Drew Casper.

Angels with Dirty Faces: Whaddya Hear? Whaddya Say?
Documentary covering the Warner Bros. James Cagney /Pat O'Brien classic "Angels with Dirty Faces" (1938), hosted by film historian Rudy Behlmer.

A Love Story: The Story of 'To Have and Have Not'
In the '40s Howard Hawks boasts that he can make a movie out of the worst thing Hemingway ever has written. When Hemingway asks, which novel he means, Hawks says To Have and Have Not. Jules Furthman writes a script, which follows the book closely. The location of the story is Cuba, but the US Government is against depicting corruption and violence on Cuba, and threatens to withdraw the film's export license. William Faulkner rewrites the script, and relocates the story to Martinique. Hawks's wife, Nancy Slim Gross, happens to see a young mod...