Movies by Park Chan-wook

Katanas, yakuzas y cintas de video

Katanas, yakuzas y cintas de video

Ari Ari the Korean Cinema

Ari Ari the Korean Cinema

Director Chung Ji-Young criticizes the thought that older directors have difficulties in making certain movies. Actress Yoon Jin-Seo agonizes over her identity as an actress. In 2009, before the movie "Unbowed" was made, they met and planned a documentary about Korean movies, including the processes a Korean movie goes through and difficulites. "Ari Ari the Korean Cinema" is a documentary with interviews of Korean directors, actors and actresses.

The Nine Lives of Korean Cinema

The Nine Lives of Korean Cinema

South Korean cinema is in the throes of a creative explosion where mavericks are encouraged and masters are venerated. But from where has this phenomenon emerged? What is the culture that has yielded this range of filmmakers? With The Nine Lives of Korean Cinema, French critic, writer and documentarian Hubert Niogret provides a broad overview but, nevertheless, an excellent entry point into this unique type of national cinema that still remains a mystery for many people. The product of a troubled social and political history, Korean cinema ...

I Haven’t Done Anything

I Haven’t Done Anything

Oh Tae-kyung, once an up-and-coming actor, starts a YouTube channel. He starts to produce content where he grants people's wishes, borrowing a concept from the movie “Oldboy”.