Movies by Jack Conway

Kit Carson's Wooing
Kit Carson, scout, hunter, trapper and soldier-of-fortune, has won the enmity of Azakah, the cruel chief of a prowling band of renegade Indians.

The Killer
Claire Adams as a girl forced to marry the man she suspects killed her father. When she refuses, she is virtually kept a prisoner along with kid-brother Frankie Lee until a handsome stranger (Jack Conway) rescues them.

The Little Orphan
Three bachelor buddies, David Clark (Jack Conway), Dick Porter (Richard LeReno), and Jerry Mathers (George Webb) adopt three Belgian children who have been orphaned by the war. David winds up with Rene Lescere (Ella Hall), who -- much to his dismay -- comes with a pet goat and chicken. But Rene comes to love her foster father and vice versa. In fact, she's determined to find him a wife who will also serve as a foster mom for her.

The Post Telegrapher
Bob Evans, a telegraph operator, together with a group of soldiers gets ambushed by Sioux Indians. Wounded, he climbs into a telegraph pole and asks through the telegraph wires for help from the fort. Bob's fiancée Edith comes along with the soldiers. The soldiers find only dead bodies and decide to chase the Indians. Edith stays behind to search for Bob. She finds him and together they return to the fort. The Sioux then attack the fort, but when the situation seems hopeless, the army returns and the Indians are expelled.

Even Unto Death
Dorthea Gordon comes to a fishing village with her ill-tempered brother, Walter. She rows out to a rock to sketch the seals, but her boat drifts away and the rising tide sweeps her into the water. Her predicament is seen by Jack Livingston, the fisherman son of the village minister, and he rescues her. The pair begin seeing one another, but Walter thoroughly disapproves. When a gossip implies that Livingston's attentions are less than honorable, Walter confronts him and is killed in the ensuing struggle.