Movies by Ou Li-Bao

Scorching Sun, Fierce Wind, Wild Fire

Scorching Sun, Fierce Wind, Wild Fire

During China's 1920s Republican Period, warlords carve out personal fiefdoms across the country and impose self-serving laws with the barrel of a gun. Into this anarchy rides a masked feminine Zorro, nom de guerre Violet, to do battle, right wrongs and foment rebellion against the most corrupt and brutal warlord of all, Tung Ta-Chou. Unbeknownst to Tung, however, Violet is his own daughter. Tung orders his psycho enforcer Master Wu to track down and dispose of this pesky rebel queen. Meanwhile, Violet begins a flirtation with an attractive s...

The Legend of Broken Sword

The Legend of Broken Sword

It's all action, all the time, in this seldom-seen kung fu extravaganza starring Tien Peng, who's all dressed up with somewhere to go: He's on his way to kick some butt! In the vaunted tradition of grind-house Hong Kong action flicks, this film features breathtaking thrilling battles and martial arts moves that have to be seen to be believed (and then you still won't believe them!).