Movies by J.P. Edwards

A Wish for Giants
Sophie, a young volunteer, meets her kindred spirit in Roxie, a girl with a life threatening medical condition and a unique wish to meet Bigfoot.

Demon Haunt
A school teacher and her wheelchair-bound sister purchase a house that seems to be haunted by a strange supernatural force. Father LeCleur and his son Raymond are called in to vanquish the demonic entities. But when the hell-spawn turn out to be much stronger than anyone thought, a bloody showdown ensues.
Aliens: Zone-X
Park Ranger Don Morgan is torn from his routine life, when he stumbles upon a UFO visitation in the arid, deserted Park Area where he resides. An inexplicable, bizarre power outage knocks out all electronics and communications, stranding a carload of hikers in the park, and downing a small plane. Searching for hydration in the blistering heat, Don must lead the survivors across an apparently abandoned Military Testing area called "ZONE-X".