Movies by Penelope Keith

Private Lives

Private Lives

Divorced couple Amanda and Elyot have both recently remarried. On their honeymoons, however, they discover that they have accidentally booked adjoining suites at the same hotel. Containing some of Coward's best dialogue, the play revolves around the agonising realisation that despite their ferocious incompatibility, they are still drawn to each other.

Spider's Web

Spider's Web

Clarissa, the wife of a Foreign Office diplomat, is given to daydreaming. 'Supposing I were to come down one morning and find a dead body in the library, what should I do?' she muses. Clarissa has her chance to find out when she discovers a body in the drawing-room of her house in Kent.

Every Home Should Have One

Every Home Should Have One

Teddy works for a large advertising company. Given the seemingly impossible task of selling frozen porridge, he decides to produce commercials that make the product seem sexy. This leads him to confrontation with the "Keep Television Clean" movement, of which his wife is a senior member.

On Approval

On Approval

Adaptation of the play by Frederick Lonsdale

To the Manor Born: Britain's Best Loved Comedy

To the Manor Born: Britain's Best Loved Comedy

A feature-length special retrospective of one of Britain's most beloved sitcoms, with new and archival interviews and footage examining the production and enduring cultural impact of the BBC's 'To the Manor Born'.

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

As a merchant sets off for market, he asks his three lovely daughters what they would like as a present upon his return. His youngest daughter, who he adoringly calls Beauty, replied. "All I'd like is a rose you've picked specially for me." Remembering his promise to Beauty he plucks a rose, enraging the owner of the rosebush, a fearsome boarlike beast who inhabits the nearby castle. The Beast agrees to spare his life, but on one condition, that he brings him the daughter for which he plucked the rose.