Movies by Dhini Aminarti

Dunia Lain: The Movie
This film tells the story of the mystery of the sadistic murder of sacred people who died tragically (the mystery of skin graft). This incident caught the attention of a producer from Dunia Lain named Sukron (Ronald Surapradja), who then held a Test of Guts in the village. There was chaos during filming, when a gut test participant named Shinta (Dinda Wulansari) disappeared. The local psychic who was presented as caretaker was also found dead.

Pantaskah Aku Berhijab
It tells the story of Sofi who lost her father figure in her life. Then he has to face all sorts of trials of life. luckily he has the support of his best friend. Aqsa. Of the various trials, he then questioned whether he was happy, and whether he should wear a hijab.