Movies by Damon Younger
Small Mall
A Eurovision singer, Iceland's strongest woman, a male model, a plumber who wants to direct movies. They all work in the shopping mall that this documentary focuses on ... most of them want to get out, even just to the bigger mall down the road.

Eleven Men Out
The star player of Icelands top football team causes a stir when he admits to being gay to his team mates and then goes on a journey to discover himself (with the help of the local press). He soon finds himself on the bench for most of his teams matches and decides to call it quits and join a small amateur team made up of men like himself - gay guys trying to play football in a straight world of Icelandic fishing culture machoism

Monsieur Hyde
Eric has a romantic candlelight dinner with his girlfriend lined up, but his plans are thrown into turmoil when someone unexpected knocks on his door and is not about to leave.

Dirty Pretty Things
An undocumented immigrant finds a human heart in one of the toilets of the west London hotel where he works with other undocumented immigrants.