Movies by Dolunay Soysert

Republic: Mustafa Kemal Pasha started to work on the use of the new alphabet and international numbers.
Mustafa Kemal Pasha started to work on the use of the new Turkish alphabet and international numbers. Community centers are established. Two problems remained; removing the records placed on the straits and Hatay. Young Turkey has healed the wounds of war and has started to progress rapidly on the path of civilization.

Republic: The republic is enacted in the parliament and adopted by voting in the parliament.
Peace is celebrated all over the country. A republic is enacted in the parliament and adopted by voting in the parliament.

Republic: The first steps of a country's struggle to stand up
In the enthusiasm of victory, the streets of Izmir are moaning with the voices of "Long live the Gazi, Long live the Army, Long live the Grand National Assembly". Latife Hanım's admiration for Mustafa Kemal is increasing day by day, whose house in Izmir is used as the Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief. Meanwhile, Zübeyde Hanım wants to meet this young woman from İzmir who is interested in her son. Latife Hanım insists on hosting Mustafa Kemal's mother, who will come to Izmir, at her home. Fikriye Hanım, who takes care of Zübeyde Hanım i...

Cumhuriyet: Meclis, Türk Medeni Kanunu'nu kabul etti...
Some anti-republican groups are raiding police stations. The government closes all dervish lodges, sects are banned. The traitors who planned to assassinate Gazi are caught and prosecuted. Work has started to add the secularism clause to the constitution.

Republic: Mustafa Kemal Pasha and Uşşakizade Latife Hanım got married.
Mustafa Kemal Pasha and Uşşakizade Latife Hanım got married. An agreement cannot be reached at the Lausanne Conference and England leaves Lausanne. Fikriye Hanım learns of Mustafa Kemal's marriage and runs away from the sanatorium.

When her husband Cemal is arrested in Romania, Emine is left alone with their child who needs immediate surgery.

Mavi Gözlü Dev

Masal Şatosu: Gizemli Misafir


The Grand Siege
Berna Tuna, a renowned academic has just died. Her husband, Macit, will take this opportunity to face past wrongdoings and reconnect with his long-neglected daughter İpek. His hope for a fresh start is put to test by his son Alp and his wife’s assistant Feyza, who are strongly attached to Berna’s legacy.