Movies by Mile Kekin

Permanently Inhabited Stranger
In this documentary Edo Maajka, Bosnian hip hop star talks about war, his life as a refugee, war crimes, forgiving and making peace, nationalism, music scene in Croatia and Bosnia, Balkans mentality, love and hate, cevap restaurants, Sava river, partings, life of music stars, Lepa Brena and Nele Karajlic, politicians. His mode of narration and his charisma, his sincerity and his relaxed camera appearance will surely capture the spectators' attention.

I Believe in Angels
The mailmen, Šime, is one of the favorite people of a small town, on an island in the middle of the sea. Šime is very intelligent and the locals have high regards for him because he is unusually well versed in all the events and destinies in the small town. He knows the weather forecast, what winds will blow, what the sermon on the Sunday mass will be. For all the locals Šime is an untouchable genius. However, unlike the locals, the viewers soon find out that the Sime's ingenuity is based on his reading of the mail. Fascinated by other peopl...