Movies by Berthe Dagmar

Onésime et le nourrisson de la nourrice indigne

Onésime et le nourrisson de la nourrice indigne

Onésime needs to take care of an infant and does everything he can to avoid that responsibility.

Zigoto et la blanchisseuse

Zigoto et la blanchisseuse

For some time now, Sosthène, clerk at the Grand Laundromat of Papillon-sous-Bois, has been in love with Alphonsine, the girl who brings the laundry. One evening, he decides to win the heart of his beloved, who until now has been cruel and deaf to his fiery declarations, and if necessary, he'll kidnap her. Hidden at the edge of the woods, when Alphonsine goes by, Sosthène rolls through the grass until he lands at the beauty's feet, proclaiming his love in a deranged voice: "Be mine, or die!", "You idiot!". Blood rushes to Sosthène's head. His...

Onésime and the Heart of the Gypsy

Onésime and the Heart of the Gypsy

While accompanying his lady to a fashionable casino, Onésime hears someone playing an overpowering waltz on a mandolin, and he starts dancing with his lady. Everyone, from the kitchen hands to the chef, dance until their out of breath.

Onésime's Theatrical Debut

Onésime's Theatrical Debut

Onésime came down and threw himself on stage, starting into the great aria at which he excelled. We must say, in respect for the truth, that he earned what critics calls "the estimated success": Onésime, who has the voice of a barrel salesman, sings like the pulley in a well.

Zigoto's Honeymoon

Zigoto's Honeymoon

In the grip of passionate foreplay, Zigoto and his lover are oblivious to an escalating series of interruptions and catastrophes going on around them. (MoMA)

Pendaison à Jefferson City

Pendaison à Jefferson City

Joe is about to be hung for his crimes but he's going to reveal the whole truth first.

Calino, Love Tamer

Calino, Love Tamer

One day, Calino has the bold and imprudent idea to follow a woman down the street. The woman leads him all the way to the traveling lion cage run by her husband. To avoid her husband's jealous anger, the woman introduces Calino as an apprentice lion tamer.

Under the Claw: A Story of the Transvaal

Under the Claw: A Story of the Transvaal

A mine owner discovers a vein of gold but unfortunately dies. His wife doesn't want to sell the mine and so the forman decides to lock her up in a cottage with a dangerous and hungry leopard.

One Hundred Dollars, Dead or Alive

One Hundred Dollars, Dead or Alive

An early Gaumont short.

La Bous-Bous-Mie

La Bous-Bous-Mie

Once Mme. Ducordon discovers the joys of a new fashionable dance, she starts performing it wherever she happens to be.

Eugénie, Stand Up Straight!

Eugénie, Stand Up Straight!

Poor Eugénie! She's humpbacked and everyone wants to straighten her out, but when success finally comes, she's too tall not to cause disasters. To solve the problem, the help of a sword swallower is urgently needed.