Movies by Sarah Kenny

Jurassic Genius: Great Big Sharks
Melvin and Buddy are two space-exploring pups on a mission. Scarfing down facts like dog biscuits is their plan, but they can't learn about all the topics that interest them without some help. That's where Professor Brain comes in. He's the T-Rex with the mega brain-flex. Climb aboard for all the intergalactic fact-finding fun.

Sarah finds herself stuck in isolation and recently broken up with. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, she tries to contact her ex to find out why he has ended their relationship

Dino Brained
A dinosaur and his sidekick pilot their spaceship through the galaxy on a dizzying quest for knowledge.

Bot Brains
Intelligent robot Clank and his loyal sidekick, Bolt, travel the starry galaxy aboard their spaceship, going where no bots have gone before! Will robot Clank and his sidekick Bolt evade villain Lazer Head long enough to collect the information they need?