Movies by Jo Davis

Jurassic Genius: Great Big Sharks
Melvin and Buddy are two space-exploring pups on a mission. Scarfing down facts like dog biscuits is their plan, but they can't learn about all the topics that interest them without some help. That's where Professor Brain comes in. He's the T-Rex with the mega brain-flex. Climb aboard for all the intergalactic fact-finding fun.

Jungle Smarts
Curious crocodile Mooky and his best bud, the hippopotamus Chums, search their jungle high and low for the smartest little animal that they know: Wheezy the Turtle! I Love Animals is a fun, toddler-friendly way for kids to learn with educational movies and documentaries. It's time for I Love Animals!

MonkeyBrains: Learn Colors
It's time to monkey around! Learn along with Monkey Brains, the genius little monkey! The kids will go bananas. This 3d animated learning video is great for Pre-K learning. It's MonkeyBrains: Learn Colors!