Movies by Larry G. Jones

Jurassic Genius: Great Big Sharks
Melvin and Buddy are two space-exploring pups on a mission. Scarfing down facts like dog biscuits is their plan, but they can't learn about all the topics that interest them without some help. That's where Professor Brain comes in. He's the T-Rex with the mega brain-flex. Climb aboard for all the intergalactic fact-finding fun.

Spaced Cats
Meet the Spaced Cats, two cannabis-craving cats on a mission to cop the best weed in the galaxy. This crew is higher than outer space itself and it's going to take help from all the wrong places to succeed on their mission. Blast off to parts unknown: these felines are flying high.

Groundhog Dave
Fun-loving Groundhog Dave has come out of his shack to predict the weather...only to discover his beloved town of Bucketville has changed! The aroma of blooming flowers has been replaced by the smell of sawdust, and the sky is cloudy with smog! Dave and his friends uncover dire news: Mr. Whatnot the anteater has just bought the town and plans to transform it into a big shopping center!