Movies by Virginia Tucker
A Twilight Zone-inspired cautionary tale about a young mother forced to come face-to-face with her deepest desire.

Wicked Moms Club
Mandy is a new mom in town and at first, she is welcomed into the circle of elite moms, but when her daughter outperforms power mom Olivia's daughter, she finds herself ostracized.

Nightmare Tenant
After her daughter Lacey goes off to a prestigious university, Carol finds herself with an empty nest and decides to rent out her room. When Nikki, a local college student answers the ad, it feels like a perfect fit. What Carol doesn't know is that Nikki was her daughter's high school rival, and that she believes Carol cheated her out of a chance to attend a better school by pulling strings for Lacey. Now, Nikki has come to avenge the future she feels has been stolen from her.

Days of Daisy
As her 40th birthday draws near, high school librarian Daisy feels societal pressure to settle down and start a family. When the art teacher at Daisy's school abruptly quits mid-term, she teams up with a local photographer to give the students the art program they deserve.