Movies by A.N. Wilson

Narnia's Lost Poet: The Secret Lives and Loves of C.S. Lewis

Narnia's Lost Poet: The Secret Lives and Loves of C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis's biographer A.N. Wilson goes in search of the man behind Narnia, a highly secretive man whose personal life was marked by the loss of the three women he most loved.

Queen Victoria's Letters: A Monarch Unveiled

Queen Victoria's Letters: A Monarch Unveiled

This is the story of Queen Victoria as never heard before; a psychological insight of the woman told through her own words, her experiences recounted solely through her personal diaries and letters.

Tolstoy: The Man Behind Anna

Tolstoy: The Man Behind Anna

An examination of the life of great Russian author Leo Tolstoy, who penned the 1877 novel Anna Karenina.

Prince Albert: A Victorian Hero Revealed

Prince Albert: A Victorian Hero Revealed

Professor Saul David examines Prince Albert's role in shaping British culture, governmental policy and international relations in Victorian Britain.