Movies by Jan Šťastný

Černobyl na kolečkách
Pastýř a princezna
Dva Janové a ovečka

J. A. Komenský – Život a dílo
O princi, který měl smůlu
O kouzelné šišce
Zlatý copánek
Modrá krev
Poslední slovo

Spravedlivý Bohumil

Mezi námi kluky
Romeo a Julie

What's wrong with you? Nothing.
Child psychiatry is in a phase of clinical death. Yet there are facilities and doctors who can return children back to their families cured and healthy. That is the path that needs to be taken. The documentary mapping the state of child psychiatric care in the Czech Republic was made by director Jiří Podlipný, Czech Television cooperated with the Vendula Pizingerová Foundation Kapka naděje. Artificial intelligence visualization under the guidance of cinematographer Jiří Studnička allows us to look into the depths of a child's aching soul.