Movies by Cairo Foster

Thrasher - Skate and Destroy
Skate and Destroy. Yeah, it's about breakin' windows, yellin' and screamin', scarin' people, terrorizin', high volume, rollin' fast, runnin' stop lights, gettin' some, playin' it loud, hootin', hollerin', fuggin', druggin', throwin' rocks, up yours, hell fire, cross town, all night, anywhere, anytime, hit it and quit, eat or be eaten, get up and do it again. Yeah, right. Skate and Destroy is about skatin' ... all out ... or not at all.

Thrasher - Raw
What is inside this box? Well, it is just what the title suggests, raw skateboarding. No crybabies, pussies, or mamma's boys in here, gang, so get busy. Enjoy.

Thrasher - Hillbilly Roadkill
Every skater's worst nightmare turns into reality when a couple of revved-up rednecks pick the wrong gang of skaters to mess with. What started off as a close encounter turns into a deadly game of chess and we all know who's gonna win. Look in this video for insane tricks like: Kale Sandridge being towed by a motorcycle to 5-0 on top of a hawaiian vert wall. Richard Mulder's switch 5-0 shove-it. Marcus Macbride's frontside 180 heelflip over a pier 7 block. Mike Rafter's big spin frontside noseslide shove-it. And other ripping to make y...
Bonus Round
The Tilt Mode Army's Bonus Round video starred Nestor Judkins, Jerry Hsu, Louie Barletta, Jon Choi, Jon Nguyen, Screaming Lord Halba, Matt Eversole, Paul Sharpe, Cairo Foster, Zack Wallin, Jose Rojo and Caswell Berry. Plus appearances by Crazy Eddie, Colt Cannon, Justin Strubing, Marc Johnson, Jesse Erickson, Daryl Angel, Clark Hassler, Ed Devera, Sean Payne, Danny Fuenzalida and more.

Thrasher - Jaded
jad·ed (jā-did) adj. Fatigued by overwork : EXHAUSTED 2. Dulled by oversupply or excess. 3. Cynically or pretentiously callous.— ja-ded·ly adv. — ja-ded·ness n.

Enjoi - Oververt
Are you lonely? Are you heartbroken? Do you need a hug? Sorry. We can’t help you. I know, that sucks. But sucking is the new awesome. So our inability to help you out in the hug department really just makes us more awesome. The world is a strange place, it’s true. But if there’s any consolation we do have some recompense to offer you. Here you will find the feeling of being hugged by skaters Louie Barletta, Cairo Foster, Caswell Berry, Nestor Judkins, Wieger Van Wageningen, Jimmy Carlin, Jose Rojo, Clark Hassler, Zack Wallin and Ben Raemers....

Thrasher - King of the Road 2013
Oh. Shit. Here we go. Chocolate vs. Real vs. Birdhouse vs. Enjoi.