Movies by Ari Brickman

Family Blood
Two young people, who knew each other in a previous life, meet again. Alejandro recognizes Yolanda, who is from a strange family that has the disadvantage of living a very long time, which is also to blames for the mysterious disappearance of his father. Alejandro embarks on an adventure to delve into the secret of his fathers’ death and in the meantime, wonder if he’s capable of abandon his life to fulfill his destiny.

The Mongolian Conspiracy
1963, the Soviet Union intercepts a rumour that China pretends to assassinate the president of the US in his visit to Mexico. Filiberto Garcia, a local policeman, has 72 hours to investigate the Mongolian Conspiracy.
From Mesmer, with Love or Tea for Two
Alberto resorts to disturbing and extravagant practices to break through the shell of his loneliness and fulfill his desires.

All That Is Invisible
When a car accident causes Jonás to completely lose his vision, he finds himself unable to live the life he used to know. Despite his refusal to accept his new condition or to show any vulnerability in the presence of his wife and daughters, the circumstances will lead him to discover new and unsuspected paths that will allow him to carry on.