Movies by GĂ©rard Surugue

Snow White: The Sequel
Prince Charming was supposed to live long and happily with Snow White after kissing her back to life. However the jealous 'good' fairy decides that she and the prince were meant to be, only the start of a whole series of perversions of various fairy tale characters' traditional good nature.

Christmas at Bunny's
Santa Claus is depressed and refuses to give away gifts as he usually does. Bugs Bunny is charged with finding him and cheering him up back into his job, including showing him some of his own old cartoons.

The 1001 Gags of Spiff & Hercules
Hercule wishes to be recognized at last as the star that he always was. He does not accept that Pif, this fleabag, can delight stardom. He decides, therefore, on an impulse, to change his life and retire to a deserted island- or the nearest thing: to relate his career and write his own film. In a paradise-like setting, Hercule recounts the biggest roles of his career. Pif isn't absent from his memories, but Hercule still considers him to be a fifth wheel... However, this, in reality, is not exactly the case.