Movies by Jacqueline Giroux

The Cross and the Switchblade
David Wilkerson's first five years in New York City, where he ministered to disillusioned youth, encouraging them to turn away from the drugs and gang violence they were involved with.

Extreme Close-Up
While doing a story on the intrusion of surreptitious surveillance in peoples' private lives, a television reporter rents some surveillance equipment to get a feel for what it's like to spy.

The Erotic Adventures of Zorro
A local village is being extorted by the evil Luis Bonsario assisted by the short, rotund Sgt. Felipo Latio who takes advantage of young girls while making wisecracks into the camera. Meanwhile, brave swordsman Don Diego is employed by his father to set things straight. By day he poses as a homosexual, donned in pink attire, while at night he assumes his true identity as the masked Zorro, romancing all the pretty ladies and delivering justice.

Brother and Sister
A young man and his pretty step-sister find that they are very much in love with each other when they are reunited after spending years apart. Naturally this leads to both expected and unexpected problems.

The Mermaid
After listening to an old man tell a story of his marriage to a real life mermaid, some sailors decide to see if they can find mermaid brides of their own.

Surftide Female Factory
Sexploitatation drama very loosely based on the former penal colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land.