Movies by Ahindra Choudhury

Two Generations

Two Generations

One of the early films of Chhabi Biswas featuring him as a leading man, before he came to be associated with the dominating patriarch roles that have become iconic in Bengali cinema, the film is a tale of the love, relationships and ideals of two generations. Nutubihari is an idealist who has given up his love for Kalyani for the sake of his beliefs. He marries Bimala and becomes a lawyer, fighting for the rights of the poor against the feudal lords. Meanwhile, Kalyani comes to ask refuge after she becomes a widow and is inexplicably accept...

Burmar Pathe

Burmar Pathe

The rustic girl left this world and went to heaven. Her Painful memories are what remains behind. The injustice exploitation is suffocating. These conflicts within the unfortunate soil of India have taken many lives. There’s cruelty amongst mankind. There’s injustice and exploitation everywhere. People struggle for their rights. There’s a storm raging in every heart and soul. The earth shivers and wreaks havoc. The raging waves clash on the shores. This enlightens the soul. We can hear the song of a great soul at a distance. It calls out. It...

Roop Lekha

Roop Lekha

For the first time in Indian cinema, flashback was used for storytelling.



Manoj is from the aristocratic class but has some sort retrograde amnesia; he belongs to the upper-class but is also an outsider, something that enables the possibilities of movement across the class-lines for him. This trope is essential for Barua to articulate the criticism of the indolent upper class in the film. Thus Manoj is both an object of criticism and ridicule while also being one of the critics.

