Movies by Anuchit Sapanpong

The Spiritual World
Ming seas ghosts since she's a little girl. One day, a young doctor visits her, knowing she can contact the dead. He wants her to find the reason behind his father's death, who supposedly committed suicide.

The Overture
Based on the life of Luang Pradit Pairoh the most revered traditional Thai music master who lived during the reigns of Kings Rama V to VIII, the movie traces the life of Sorn, who picked up the Thai xylophone mallets as a small child and played all his life.

Malila: The Farewell Flower
Pich and Shane, who once were lovers, are trying to heal the pain of their lives by reviving their old romance through the making the traditional Thai ornament made of the leaves and flowers that symbolize love and virtue. When Shane finds out that Pich is dying, he decides to become a monk.