Movies by Valentin Zorin

Contradictory America. Faith, hope, love and hate. Film 2
In the second film, the author tells about the struggle of blacks for the right to feel equal with all US citizens. Commentary of the mayor of Cairo, one of the cities in the American South, about the suppression of the rebels, about the most brutal methods of fighting African American protesters. Jesse Jackson's speech. Jesse Jackson's commentary on the Black Rights Organization. Comments by female residents of Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, on the degree of mental development of whites and blacks. A story about the Ku Klux Klan, abou...

USA: danger from the right. Demoniac from Wisconsin
Professor Valentin Zorin, political observer of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting, talks about Joseph McCarthy, an American politician, a senator from Wisconsin, who held an extremely anti-communist position, who advocated an intensification of the Cold War with the USSR. The name of McCarthy is associated with a reactionary trend in the political life of the United States of the early 1950s, dubbed "McCarthyism" and consisted in the persecution of people only suspected of sympathizing with communism and not committing any cri...

Американские интервью
Essay by political observer Valentin Zorin, impressions of his visit to the United States, the course of the election campaign. New trends in US politics and public sentiment. Interviews in English with US officials on American policy, new trends, and improving relations with the USSR. Political debate. Promises, plans of politicians. Nuclear policy. Disarmament issues. Presidential candidate programs. 1972 year.

Reporting on the covering America
Americans are alarmed... What they have witnessed - a group of journalists from Soviet television, having appeared on American soil in the summer of 1982, America has not yet seen. To whom it would seem in our time to surprise with mass processions, demonstrations of many thousands. They are constantly reported in newspapers, their shots are now and then flashed in television news releases, and nevertheless, the events of this summer are something completely new in the political life of the United States...

America of the seventies. Two New York City
New York is the largest city in the modern world. In greater New York, together with the suburbs, in the 1970s, sixteen million people live, and in the city itself there are about ten million. Americans speak differently about New York - some argue that New York is not America, others, on the contrary, are convinced that this is the most American of all American cities. Apparently both are right...

Contradictory America. Faith, hope, love and hate. Film 1
Chicago. In the first part of the film, the author tries to answer the question: "Did the African Americans who traveled to the north, including to Chicago, succeed in finding human conditions of existence and human rights?" To the song of the American blues musician George "Buddy" Guy, the streets of the American metropolis of Chicago, black residents are shown. Dick Gregory, one of the best actors in America of the time, commenting on the conditions of life for blacks when they first moved to Chicago. Comments by African American Families ...

Salt of the earth US
United States of America, early 1980s. From the height of a fifty-story building located in the center of New York on a granite cliff in Manhattan, people on the streets seem small, and the problems that surround them from all sides are impossible to distinguish at all. But they are - these problems are difficult, painful and inescapable. In their tighter grip, today's America and its millions of citizens are beating...

America of the seventies. Where do Los Angeles roads lead?
In ancient times, when heraldry was in use and every self-respecting city considered it necessary to have its own coat of arms, it was placed on that coat of arms that was symbolic and lily for the city (fortress tower, deer head, scales of justice, sword or something else, something especially revered). To this day, it would not be worthwhile to preserve this custom and wonder what the residents of Los Angeles, the third largest city in the United States, would like to take as a symbol. They surely would - they certainly would be the Califo...

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