Movies by Dez Cadena

The Slog Movie
A raw and unparalleled DIY documentary about the West Coast Punk scene made by a group of young fans/filmmakers about the bands they loved.

Black Flag: TV Party Target Video
TV Party Music Video - (Live @ Target SF 1981) Rise Above - Thirsty & Miserable -Depression - American Waste - Fan greeting in Bologna, Italy 1979 - Revenge (San Francisco 8-20-80) - Jealous Again - Chuck (mock) interviews Dez & Henry - Rise Above (repeat)

The Secret Lives of Bill Bartell
Bill Bartell was a multifaceted individual who traversed the punk rock scene, law enforcement, rodeo riding, and country music. Known for his unique contribution to punk rock through his label Gasatanka Records and band White Flag, Bartell's life defies conventional boundaries, blending hyper-masculinity with subcultural rebellion. His story, filled with mysterious and seemingly contradictory roles, offers a compelling narrative about identity, transformation, and the unexpected paths life can take.

Flipside Video Fanzine Number Two
White Flag : Flipside, Not Alright, Communication Breakdown G.B.H. : Gimme Fire, Wild Thing, I Am The Hunted 7 Seconds : This Is My Life, out of Touch, Skins brains guts Tesco Vee : worshiping /s - 7 seconds with a cat and a guessing game with: SSD doing Shangri-las, White Flag doing Pink Floyd & GBH doing the Buzzcocks. Battalion of Saints : I Wanna Make You Scream Minor Threat : Stand Up And Be Counted, Stepping Stone Rodney Mullen skating Minor Threat: betray & Jeff Nelson Brian baker (skating) it Follows Big Boys : Brickwall ...

Flipside Video Fanzine Number 1
1 Social Distortion– Under My Thumb 2 Social Distortion– 1945 3 Social Distortion– Playpen 4 The Vandals– Anarchy Burger 5 The Vandals– Hocus Pocus 6 Sin 34– Trip To San Francisco 7 Black Flag – Rise Above 8 Black Flag – Louie Louie 9 RF7– Vampire Lady 10 MDC – Police Riot At Mendiolas 11 Descendents – Hey Hey 12 Descendents – Bikeage 13 Descendents – Jean Is Dead 14 D.I.– Ballroom Blitz 15 D.I.– Richard Hung Himself 16 True Sounds Of Liberty*– Code Blue 17 Circle Jerks– Just Like You 18 Circle Jerks– Put A Little Love In Y...

Citizen Tania
The Symbionese Liberation Army kidnaps Patty Hearst, but Patty is all-too-willing to join them, in this strange docudrama by renowned artist Raymond Pettibon.

BLACK FLAG Live in Berlin
Filmed for television at the legendary SO36 Club in Berlin, 1983.