Movies by Chuck Dukowski

The Slog Movie
A raw and unparalleled DIY documentary about the West Coast Punk scene made by a group of young fans/filmmakers about the bands they loved.

Lovedolls Superstar
The Lovedolls return from their untimely demise in this 1986 sequel to "Desperate Teenage Lovedolls". Patch Kelley (Janet Housden) becomes Patch Christ, the leader of an acid-damaged religious cult who rescues has been Kitty Karryall from a boozy, wasted life. Rocking by Redd Kross, Sonic Youth, Meat Puppets, Dead Kennedys, & more! You can't kill a Lovedoll, babe... because Superstars never die!

Black Flag: TV Party Target Video
TV Party Music Video - (Live @ Target SF 1981) Rise Above - Thirsty & Miserable -Depression - American Waste - Fan greeting in Bologna, Italy 1979 - Revenge (San Francisco 8-20-80) - Jealous Again - Chuck (mock) interviews Dez & Henry - Rise Above (repeat)

Flipside Video Fanzine Number 1
1 Social Distortion– Under My Thumb 2 Social Distortion– 1945 3 Social Distortion– Playpen 4 The Vandals– Anarchy Burger 5 The Vandals– Hocus Pocus 6 Sin 34– Trip To San Francisco 7 Black Flag – Rise Above 8 Black Flag – Louie Louie 9 RF7– Vampire Lady 10 MDC – Police Riot At Mendiolas 11 Descendents – Hey Hey 12 Descendents – Bikeage 13 Descendents – Jean Is Dead 14 D.I.– Ballroom Blitz 15 D.I.– Richard Hung Himself 16 True Sounds Of Liberty*– Code Blue 17 Circle Jerks– Just Like You 18 Circle Jerks– Put A Little Love In Y...

Urban Struggle: The Battle of the Cuckoo's Nest
Locals formed vigilante groups to fight it, Police used legal force to repress it, City officials wanted to ban it entirely. This never before released feature length documentary was filmed in the early 80's and exposes the punk rock scene that was going on at the infamous Cuckoo's Nest club owned by Jerry Roach.

We Were Feared
We Were Feared chronicles the rise and fall of the Cuckoo's Nest punk rock club. Hailed as the birthplace of slam-dancing, the Nest famously shared a parking lot with a cowboy bar and the mayhem that would ensue when both clubs emptied was immortalized in the Vandals' songs “The Legend of Pat Brown” and “Urban Struggle.” Featuring interviews with the people who populated the scene, archival images of gigs, and live performances by Black Flag, the Circle Jerks, & T.S.O.L.

BLACK FLAG Live in Berlin
Filmed for television at the legendary SO36 Club in Berlin, 1983.