Movies by Gail Kane

The White Sister

The White Sister

Angela Chiaromonte is the daughter of a wealthy Italian prince who is killed in a fall from his horse. Though Angela stands to inherit half of a large estate, her older half-sister burns the will and thus inherits everything herself, throwing Angela into poverty. Fortunately, Angela is engaged to marry dashing Captain Giovanni Severi - but he soon is captured by Arabs while on an expedition to Africa. Believing him dead, Angela, dedicating her life to his memory, becomes a nun, unaware that her lover has escaped his captors and is returning ...

Whose Wife?

Whose Wife?

Mary marries Claude, a rich playboy, to please her invalid mother who becomes ill before they leave for a South American honeymoon.

The Men She Married

The Men She Married

Tricked into marriage with a villain, the woman, believing him dead, marries another, only to have the first husband reappear and cause her much worry.



Loyal slave of the aristocratic Dabney family, Dan is overjoyed when Raoul becomes engaged to Northerner Elsie Hammond and his sister Grace becomes engaged to Elsie's brother John. When the Civil War breaks out, the heartbroken Hammonds return North and John joins the Union army. Raoul joins the Confederacy, but his vindictive overseer, Jonas Watts, becomes a Union officer. Watts takes Grace prisoner, but before he can act on his desires, John rescues her.

The Serpent's Tooth

The Serpent's Tooth

Four lifelong friends share one very special summer. They develop an enduring bond despite their distinctly different emerging personalities.