Movies by Rahim Razali

Abnormal: Buas
A secret society develops a batch of superhumans that are designed to be spies and assassins. The secret programme is put at risk when one of the superhumans escapes and takes refuge in a family home. Things get out of hand when three robbers break into the house.

In the 1940s, Malays were world-renowned for their seafaring skills. Being of Bugis descent, they navigated the sea with natural ease and were often the favored seamen for international shipping lines. Othman, a fisherman from a small village in Malacca, leaves his family behind to sail the world, with hopes to return home one day with worldly riches and deserved pride. After decades at sea, however, his low wages as a deckhand leaves him disillusioned. He contemplates returning home to his family but ended up settling down in Liverpool, Eng...

It is the second fictional film produced by Rahim Razali (after Abang, 1981), Abang (The Hunter) started the theme of vengeful hatred that completes a trilogy; the other two films are Matinya Seorang Patriot (1984) and Puteri (1987). It revolves around a man, Khamis, who tries to take revenge on his daughter who has been raped and brutally murdered. With the help of her two best friends, Sita and May, Khamis tried to track down the criminals involved. Featuring the best acting of Ahmad Yatim on the silver screen.
Andartu Terlampau 21 Hari Mencari Suami
The story tells of a girl named Nik 20s through Melati Sukma is depressed again because they have not kberkahwin. Various efforts made by both parents namely Fatimah and Nik Mat for membolehkanya agree to marry so that could 'mix and match' their children with the candidate they felt appropriate. But Nik Melati Sukma or Nikki desperate search for his own soul mate. Various events are circling journey Nikki cute in his search for his mother Fatimah sementelah future husband has given two words: if not bring home a husband in the past 21 da...
A man and his wife attempt to escape from an extremist Islamic cult known as the Khawarij, led by his own father, the village chief. They are haunted by demons conjured by black magic practitioners among the villagers.