Movies by Menderes Samancılar
My Father's Wings
Set against the backdrop of construction activity promising to fill in the empty spaces of the urban landscape with entirely new neighborhoods, a story unfolds of an aging construction worker who, unlike his peers, has to drop all plans for the future after being diagnosed with a malignant tumor. This self-assured debut contemplates the dignity of the individual within the context of modern Turkish society.
Robert's Movie
Some time ago, Robert took some photos of military action which are now endangering his life. He is on the run from those who would find their publication damaging and is headed for Syria, where he believes he will be safe. While in Istanbul, he meets a pop singer, a woman half his age who gives him the erotic charge of his life. He begins taking film of their bedroom encounters and says some pretty excessive things about how marvelous she is to him. Meanwhile, his local friends don't trust or like him enough to help him stay in Istanbul, an...
Two Turkish brothers find themselves on opposite sides of the political fence. When one of the brothers is murdered, the boys' father suspects that his surviving son was instrumental in the killing. Celebrated film director Elia Kazan returns to his acting roots in a key supporting role.
On Fertile Lands
The tragic story of three farm worker who migrates from their village to the cotton land Çukurova.