Movies by Lazar Rockwood



NYPD Detective Sara Pezzini's main goal in life was to bring down Tommy Gallo, the hitman who killed her father, her best friend, and eventually her partner. While chasing down one of Gallo's thugs, she acquires the Witchblade, an enchanted armored glove once used by Joan of Arc that deflects bullets, extends into bladed weapons, produces visions, and neatly compacts itself into a bracelet.

Memory Run

Memory Run

The year is 2015, and big brother is everywhere. The search for immortality is over. Science has finally achieved the impossible, undermining the most basic aspect of life: that Mind, Body, and Soul must be one, Those who benefit from this new technology will wake up to a new and youthful beginning - the rest of humankind must live a bad dream and wake up to a living nightmare that goes beyond life, beyond death, and beyond redemption.

The Return

The Return

Follows a man who, after 40 years, comes back to his hometown. There he has nobody. His friends from America are coming after him to get him back and small village in Vojvodina becomes lively as never before.



While waiting for the train to pass (Bennet), an out-of-town businessman notices a destitute girl (Vanessa), freezing in the cold. Suspecting that she will throw herself under the train, he takes the girl with him to a nearby restaurant for a warm meal. During the conversation, Vanessa tells Bennet her sad life story and reveals to him her inborn talent. Bennet offers the girl 10,000 dollars to turn her life around, but in return he asks for her only "treasure"-her virginity!