Movies by Lison Daniel

Retour vers le futur : Voyage dans le temps, American Dream & rock'n'roll
The script of "Back to the Future" was one of the most refused of Hollywood: more than forty times. No producer believed in this project of Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale. Steven Spielberg imposed the film on Universal Studios, with Gale signing the script and Zemeckis directing. The director of "Jaws" will not regret it. In 1985, "Back to the Future" pulverized the box office and became a worldwide success, reinforced by two sequels in 1989 and 1990. Decade after decade, the popularity of this trilogy does not falter. Why this longevity while...

Jim Carrey, America Unmasked
Composed of numerous archives and film clips, this documentary is the story of a transgressive actor, a pirate who came to crack America's too perfect mask to reveal its most infantile and moronic face, right in the heart of the Hollywood system.